The entire family of William (Bill) McCue
Our thoughts are with all of you; during this time, I will always remember him and the great uncle he was to all of us.
Our deepest sympathies
Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
La Coopérative Funéraire du Témiscamingue vous informe du décès de Monsieur William McCue, époux de Diana Chevrier, de Notre-Dame-du-Nord. Il est décédé le 14 mai 2023, à l’âge de 84 ans.
Monsieur McCue laisse dans le deuil son épouse depuis 61 ans: Diana Chevrier, ses fils : Kenneth (Marcy), Keith (Colleen) et Kevin (Yamila), sa fille : Laurie-Anne (Scott), ses petits-enfants : Alexandra (Jamal), Stephanie, Roxanne, Brittany (Nestor), Heather, Hailey, Chelsea, Liam (Doreen), Caitlin, Keegan, Malcolm et Madison, ses arrière-petits-enfants : Sophie, Georgia et Ada. Il laisse également son frère : Allan ainsi que ses sœurs : Louise et Ellen.
La famille invite parents et amis à se joindre à elle pour se recueillir le vendredi 19 mai de 10h à 16h au sous-sol de l’église St-Joseph de Notre-Dame-du-Nord. Les funérailles suivront à 16h.
Il est parti rejoindre ses parents : Clarina Manseau et Louis McCue ainsi que son frère Frank.
Il a été opérateur pour Hydro-Québec de 1957 à 1996. Il aimait chasser, cuisiner et il aimait jouer et entraîner les joueurs au hockey. Il aimait par-dessus tout ses petits-enfants et ses arrière-petits-enfants.
Vos sympathies peuvent s’exprimer par un don en sa mémoire à la Fondation des Maladies du Cœur et Avc.
The funeral Coop of Temiscamingue informs you of the passing of Mr. William McCue, spouse of Diana Chevrier, from Notre-Dame-du-Nord. He passed away on May 14th. 2023, at the age of 84.
The family invites relatives and friends for a viewing, on Friday, May 19th 2023 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the basement of St-Joseph’s church in Notre-Dame-du-Nord. The funeral will take place at 4 o’clock at St-Joseph’s church.
Mr. William McCue is survived by his spouse of 61 years, Diana Chevrier, his sons: Kenneth (Marcy), Keith (Colleen) and Kevin (Yamila), his daughter: Laurie-Anne (Scott), his grandchildren: Alexandra (Jamal), Stephanie, Roxanne, Brittany (Nestor), Heather, Hailey, Chelsea, Liam (Doreen), Caitlin, Keegan, Malcolm and Madison, his Great grand-children : Sophie, Georgia and Ada. He also leaves behing his brother: Allan and his sisters: Louise and Ellen.
He will join his parents: Clarina Manseau and Louis McCue as well as his brother Frank.
Mr. McCue worked for Hydro Quebec from 1957 to 1996 he was a Systems Operator. His hobbies where, hunting, coaching and playing hockey as well as baking. He enjoyed his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren.
Donation to Heart and Stroke Foundation in his memory would be greatly appreciated.